
Friday, June 5, 2009


I've been attending summer camps in various capacities for most of my life.  First as a camper, then a counselor-in-training, and finally as a counselor.  Spending so many summers in such magical places, has had a lasting effect on my life.  Aside from instant and lifelong friendships formed with people across the globe, and infusing a love of camp and the outdoors to others, one thing that has always stayed with me are the songs I learned at summer camp.  They would creep up on me in unsuspecting places.  When I was alone at work, I would sing to the cattle (don't judge, old-fashioned cowboys used to do it too).  Sometimes I would hear it on the radio or it would come on my ipod when I was feeling a little bit down (Like a Prayer, Tragedy, or once, I heard Running Bear on the oldies country radio station).  Sometimes there would be references on TV (there's a Running Bear Red Bull commercial out there).

I decided, that while I had a handwritten songbook (it's a rite of passage for all counselors-in-training of Camp Pondicherry), it was greatly in need of revision.  Also, it deserved updating.  Why not put it on the internet where it could become a compilation and include songs that spanned the 40+ years of Camp Pondicherry and the over 75 years of Camp Natarswi?

This is my songbook.

(No copyright infringement intended)

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